🧊 How COVID 19 Revolutionized Freezers - From Ice to Essential Storage! 🍨🍺

you launched in 2020 I know objectively speaking sort of just like the frozen category really expanded during COVID All of a sudden like before I would say younger people would never have anything in their freezer other than ice cream and ice and maybe a glass for their beer It wasn't really a place people stocked up on COVID hits everyone all of a sudden It's like reinventing freezers and buying freezers
#entrepreneurship #businessinterview #podcast #podcasts #startup #startupcompany #losangeles #startuptostorefront #sharktank #sharktankdeals #CPG #motivation #COVID19 #FreezerRevolution #EssentialStorage #FrozenCategory #ReinventedFreezers #PandemicImpact #HomeStorage #KitchenInnovation #FoodPreservation #FreezerPurchases
#entrepreneurship #businessinterview #podcast #podcasts #startup #startupcompany #losangeles #startuptostorefront #sharktank #sharktankdeals #CPG #motivation #COVID19 #FreezerRevolution #EssentialStorage #FrozenCategory #ReinventedFreezers #PandemicImpact #HomeStorage #KitchenInnovation #FoodPreservation #FreezerPurchases
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