Covid-19 Has Damage Our Brain in Many Ways | COVID-19 | Apollo Hospital

'Covid 19 has damage our brain in many ways' In this video,
Watch, Dr. Pushpendra Nath Renjen,Senior Consultant, Neurology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, Is going to tell us about how to take care of our brain and what damages covid 19 has done to our brain.
Watch, Dr. Pushpendra Nath Renjen,Senior Consultant, Neurology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, Is going to tell us about how to take care of our brain and what damages covid 19 has done to our brain.
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#Covid19HasDamage #OurBrain #longcovidbrain #effectsofcovidonthebrain
#apollohospitals #apollodelhi #healthcare #brainweek#covid19