Joe Rogan- Covid 19 Vaccine Testing and Treatment #shorts

#joerogan #joeroganexperience #jre #CovidMisinformation #AnthonyFauci #FauciLied #CovidLockdowns #pandemic #covid19 #covid19
If he hasn't been sued yet, and he hasn't been sued yet for it, like, does that mean it's true? I mean, he's got so many references in that book. They tested vaccines on foster kids, including babies. Also, like, the application of AZT as a treatment, that AZT was a chemotherapy medication that was killing people quicker than cancer. It's that any scientist that doesn't agree with the consensus gets kicked out. No one can argue anymore that if you get the COVID vaccine, you can't get or transmit COVID.
If he hasn't been sued yet, and he hasn't been sued yet for it, like, does that mean it's true? I mean, he's got so many references in that book. They tested vaccines on foster kids, including babies. Also, like, the application of AZT as a treatment, that AZT was a chemotherapy medication that was killing people quicker than cancer. It's that any scientist that doesn't agree with the consensus gets kicked out. No one can argue anymore that if you get the COVID vaccine, you can't get or transmit COVID.