La'cryma Christi - Nangoku / 南国 (Live Sound) PV [HD 1440p 60fps]

Maybe not the highest quality, but still better than any uploaded PV on YouTube, the audio also has better quality.
And finally the last remaining copyright striked PV of La'cryma Christi.
Like Ivory Trees and Lime Rain, I used the audio from a live show just to get the video available hehe n.n I hope you enjoy it!
Song: Nangoku / 南国
Single: Nangoku / 南国
Album: Sculpture of Time
DVD: La'cryma Christi Singles + Clips
Artist: La'cryma Christi
Release Date (Single): October 29th, 1997
Release Date (Album): November 12th, 1997
Release Date (DVD): January 1, 2010
Vo: Taka
Gu: Hiro
Gu: Koji
Ba: Shuse
Dr: Levin