“Nothing to worry about…” assures Arvind Kejriwal on rising COVID-19 cases in Delhi

“Nothing to worry about…” assures Arvind Kejriwal on rising COVID-19 cases in Delhi
Speaking on rising COVID cases in states, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on March 31 said that Central Government has identified 6 states where COVID-19 cases are increasing. Special instructions were given to these states. He also said that nothing is worrying about the surge in COVID-19 cases.
“Yesterday our Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj had a meeting with all the experts. Today I took a meeting on the same. If we look at the whole country, the central government had identified 6 states about 2 weeks back where COVID-19 is increasing. These states were Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu in which Delhi is not in the list. Special instructions were given to the 6 states where COVID is increasing,” said Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.
“There were 295 cases in 30th March and the number of active cases till date is 922. The total tests that we did were 2363. As of now there is nothing to worry about. We are taking whatever steps need to be taken in time,” he added.

#arvindkejriwal #covid19 #chiefminister

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