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Watch: "CRT IN TEXAS: N-Word Spelling Test For Black Elementary Students In Killeen’s Fox News MAGA Homework." The CRT Lie Is Alive And Well In The MAGA Universe This Story Shows The Reality In Texas. Republicans long for the days when the n-word was just regular talk. They “don’t like them liberals tellin’ us how to treat their… “. I’ve Lived in Texas My Whole Life, I Am Disgusted.
Watch: "REVERSE FREEDOM RIDES: How Trump & DeSantis Are Pulling The Same Old White Segregationist Ploys" From 1962 through 2022, it seems that little has changed. Same old white supremacist, same old white segregationist, same old using of poor people as pawns and of course the political ploy of owning the Libs. As someone as versed in American history as Donald Trump, i’m surprised that he doesn’t know about the reverse freedom rides. Or, more likely, not only does he remember them – but he thought it was so so cool.
MAGA is strong with these two Scumbags.
ON A LIGHTER NOTE… Watch next: "Trump: A HORSE LOOSE IN A HOSPITAL Hilarious Bootleg Slideshow Mix, Illustrated (of sorts) by Zachariah Lone Star Liberal & Narrated By Comedy Genius John Mulaney!"
..Or, just PLEASE Subscribe. If I get enough subscribers, I think we can (someday) turn Texas blue. I am going to do my part. 100,000 or Bust!!
Zachariah Lone Star Liberal
Music attribution:
Machinations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.